Starry skies are a dreamy, beautiful lighting idea** for bedrooms, relaxation corners in the living room or even the children's room. This romantic interpretation of the night sky can also be found in posh hotel rooms.
The unique effect is achieved by many small points of light, not by a few large spots. In addition to the number of light points, their distribution is also important. The points of light must appear to be as randomly arranged as the stars in the night sky that they imitate.
Starry skies are available as individual DIY projects or as convenient complete solutions.
Conventional starry skies consist of individual recessed spotlights that are mounted in a suspended ceiling and supplied with power via one or more shared power supply units.
Although this solution involves a certain amount of effort, the result is highly individual and it is possible to add spots with color change and thus create a varied, colorful starry sky.
A convenient solution for starry skies are starry sky panels. Instead of individual spots, an aluminum plate with pre-punched holes is placed on a luminous LED panel.
These round, rectangular or square complete solutions are mounted like a normal ceiling light, are often dimmable and equipped with color temperature change. Special models are even modularly expandable: further slave modules are connected to a master panel to expand the starry sky.
The strike-through prices correspond to the manufacturer's RRP.
Included in the price of LED lights/bulbs is a contribution to recycling costs of €0.05. Included in the price of CFLs/fluorescent bulbs is a contribution to recycling costs of €0.15.
All prices include 23% VAT, delivery costs excluded.