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FAQ: Frequently asked questions about vouchers and discount codes
How do I use my voucher code at
Provided the terms and conditions are met, voucher codes can be applied in the basket. On mobile devices, the voucher code box is located below the order summary. If you use a desktop computer or a laptop, you can find the box on the right side above the order summary.
If you want to use a code advertised in our promotion banner, you can simply use the copy function:
Please note: before you start, please always check the voucher terms & conditions:
What's the expiration date?
Does a minimum order value apply?
Are certain brands excluded?
What types of lights can the voucher be used on?
To avoid spelling mistakes, we recommend that you copy the code and paste it into the discount code box.
Where can I find the terms and conditions of the offers?
We commit to a transparent communication about our sale offers. To check the terms and conditions of the promotion, simply follow the asterisk or i symbol.
Can I apply a voucher to an order I have already placed?
Ensuring a swift order fulfilment is our top priority. Unfortunately, our current processes do not accommodate the addition of vouchers after a purchase has been completed online.
Why is my voucher code not working?
If your voucher code does not work, please check the terms and conditions of the offer and pay special attention to the following points:
The expiration date
Excluded manufacturers
Minimum order values
The type of lights the offer includes
The correct spelling of the voucher code
Please note that you can only applyone coupon code per order.
Who can I contact if the voucher code does not work?
If you still encounter issues after having carefully checked the terms and conditions of the voucher, please contact our customer service team for assistance.
Tel. +353 16 99 21 38 Our contact form is available here.
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The strike-through prices correspond to the manufacturer's RRP.
Included in the price of LED lights/bulbs is a contribution to recycling costs of €0.05. Included in the price of CFLs/fluorescent bulbs is a contribution to recycling costs of €0.15.
All prices include 23% VAT, delivery costs excluded.