Energy efficiency classes

The new EU energy efficiency label

The most important questions

The new energy label for electrical appliances generally applies throughout Europe from 1. March 2021, but for luminaires only from 1. September 2021. Until the 1. March 2023, both labels will exist in parallel. However, many manufacturers are making the switch earlier. We answer the most important questions about the new energy label and show what's changing - and what's staying the same.

Why is there a new energy label?

Electrical appliances, lights and light sources have become increasingly energy-efficient in the recent past. As a result, all appliances were considered efficient. This resulted in the energy efficiency classes A+, A++ or A+++, which hardly differ from each other. The new energy label from 2021 serves to make the differences more transparent for consumers again. All devices are re-evaluated for this purpose.

Difference to the old energy label

What is the difference to the old energy label?

A+, A++ and A+++ (the plus classes) will no longer exist with the new label from 2021, but only classes A to G. Class A has initially been left blank in order to label even more energy-efficient appliances in the future. This is why even the most efficient lamps and luminaires have been awarded energy efficiency classes B and C. However, there are now LED light sources that achieve energy efficiency class A. With a luminous efficacy of around 200 lm/W, these are around twice as efficient as a good "normal" LED lamp.

In addition, there is now a QR code that calls up further energy efficiency information from the EPREL online database. Registration is binding for manufacturers.

Energy label comparison: This is what the new energy label looks like

Energy label

The old efficiency label

  1. Old energy efficiency class
  2. Kilowatt hours per 1,000 hours of use
Energy label

The new efficiency label

  1. Recalculated energy efficiency class
  2. Kilowatt hours per 1,000 hours of use
  3. QR code for retrieving efficiency data from the EPREL database

Energy label 2021:

Can I compare the old and new energy classes?

The efficiency class is redetermined for each luminaire using new test procedures. Therefore, old and new energy classes are hardly comparable. For example, the external power supply unit is added to the energy consumption, which reduces the overall efficiency.

In addition, energy class A initially remained empty with the switch to the new energy label - only the latest generation of light sources meet the strict criteria of energy efficiency class A.

Are luminaires less efficient with the new energy label?

No, they are still energy efficient. The new efficiency label has been designed to be more stringent in terms of test procedures and with a view to the future. By today's standards, the efficient products according to the old energy label are just as efficient after the changeover.

Which appliances receive the new EU energy label?

All electrical appliances that have an old EU energy efficiency label also have a new one. In addition to lights and lamps, these include TV sets and household electrical appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about energy efficiency

What is A+++ now?

Is there no more A now?

Will the old energy label for lights no longer exist from September 1?

Why does my product not have an energy label?