Shabby Chic lamps

Shabby chic lamps

Playful elegance meets romantic homeliness

Shabby-Chic steht für einen Interior-Style, bei dem Einrichtungsobjekte – und damit auch Lampen und Leuchten – Nostalgie wecken. Sie wirken nicht selten, als entstammen sie einer anderen Zeit und hätten auf liebevolle Weise den Weg in unsere vier Wände gefunden.  Manchmal werden die Objekte durch Kratzer oder abgeplatzte Stellen auf alt getrimmt werden – ganz in Richtung Vintage. Ansonsten wird der Shabby Chic von cremigem Weiß, Pastelltönen und rostigen Nuancen bestimmt.

Tipp für echte Shabby-Chic-Fans: Wer den Stil liebt, kombiniert Erbstücke, Flohmarktfunde und Neues und legt mit Farben und Schleifpapier auch gerne einmal selbst Hand an – denn selber machen ist angesagt!

Shabby favorites of our customers

Our bestsellers
RRP €123.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €196.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €144.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €113.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €144.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €82.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €113.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €123.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €53.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €118.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €134.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €54.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €72.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €134.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €103.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

All lights for shabby chic

Brand new and yet so shabby

Our novelties
RRP €717.09
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €1,332.09
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €239.85
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

Table lamps with vintage flair

Shabby chic table lamps

The rustic-romantic look of shabby chic table lamps is reminiscent of the interiors of classic country houses. And so shabby chic also brings a touch of cottage flair into our living spaces. Lampshades in light cream tones spread the light in a particularly warm and cozy way. And lamps with fabric shades or the traditional banker's lamp also fit into the romantic vintage ambience.

Store shabby chic table lamps
RRP €56.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €82.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €92.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €103.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €123.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €82.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

Playful and nostalgic ceiling lamps

Shabby chic ceiling lamps

Hier etwas Rost, dort ein Schirm in authentischer Vintage-Tradition – und natürlich dürfen sich auch klassische Glasschirme in die Lichtgestaltung mischen. So entfalten Strahler, Spots und Deckenlampen stilvoll ihre Shabby-Note. Ebenso hoch im Kurs bei Deckenlampen im Shabby-Chic: verspielte Stoffschirme, die ihr Licht warm und behaglich im Raum verbreiten.

Shopping for shabby chic ceiling lamps
RRP €123.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €123.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €134.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €196.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €144.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €134.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €113.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €113.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €144.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €103.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

Floor lamps with a romantic used look

Shabby chic floor lamps

Nostalgisches Vintage-Aussehen erreichen die Designer bei Shabby-Chic-Stehlampen gerne mit geschwungenen Metallgestellen. In Verbindung mit warmem Licht durch anmutige Stoff- oder Glasschirme entsteht Wohlfühlambiente für die gemütlichsten Stunden des Tages – absolut cozy!

Store shabby chic floor lamps
RRP €304.91
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €175.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

Wall lamps like in classic country houses

Shabby chic wall lights

Just like the old castles and manor houses in country house style, wall lamps are presented in shabby chic. With romantically curved glass shades, they provide light from the side and create a pleasant ambience. Spotlights with a rust look or pastel paint finishes and chipped areas also do the shabby charm justice.

Shopping for shabby chic wall lamps
RRP €92.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €41.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €97.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €41.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €61.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €61.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €51.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €41.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

Chandelier with nostalgic charm

Shabby chic chandelier

Shabby chic chandeliers fit wonderfully into the loft apartment with exposed wooden beams! They are also well suited to a country house ambience and harmonize perfectly with rustic wooden furniture. With romantic shades, they bring a feel-good light into rooms, as do wind gust lamps that are reminiscent of real candles.

Store shabby chic chandeliers
RRP €331.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €154.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €206.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €134.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €371.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €196.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €268.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €206.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €341.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €196.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

Hanging lamps in pastel shades

Hanging lamps in shabby chic style

They make the dining room really cozy! Shabby chic pendant lamps enchant our living rooms with a warm fabric look, romantically playful shades or nostalgic metal elements - sometimes more, sometimes less old-fashioned. Equipped with filament bulbs, it has even more nostalgic flair.

Store shabby chic hanging lamps
RRP €53.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €165.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €169.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €82.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €72.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €185.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €113.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €175.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €54.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.
RRP €51.90
The RRP is the manufacturer's recommended retail price of the item.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about Shabby Chic lamps

What characterizes the Shabby style?

What is the difference between shabby and vintage?

What are typical colors for shabby chic?

What are typical materials for Shabby Chic?

What are typical shabby chic lampshades and motifs?